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A few years ago someone in my neighborhood failed to comply with an order from a beit din to offer his wife a get. The rabbi of his shul, a prominent talmid chacham, banned him from the building and forbid anyone from giving him any social or other benefit according to the harchakot of Rabbeinu Tam. One member was instructed that he needed to be disinvited from a family simchah.

He went to the other synagogues figuring that the other rabbis in the neighborhood wouldn’t honor the ban. To the contrary, not a single rabbi in the neighborhood would have anything to do with him! After three months he finally relented and gave the get.

If all neighborhoods would be like mine, we wouldn’t need as many listings of agunot in the Jewish Press.

Oh, the Shabat after he gave the get he was back at his old shul. The rabbi who had banned him ordered the gabbai to give him the shlishi aliyah. All was forgiven.