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Looks is all in Hashem’s hands.

A cousin of my husband’s was having a difficult time in shidduchim. She finally got engaged but wasn’t sure. She really wanted a tall boy and he wasn’t. Her friends were making her nervous. This one told her it is assur to see him, the other told her it was asser to even speak with him, and here she was totally unsure to begin with. I had told her that height and looks is not what is important, what is important is who is and if he has a tall middos and a good heart. Maybe Hashem did not choose a tall good looking boy for her. Have bitachon and get to know him. I told her she should stop listening to her friends and she should get to know her chasson, he has to be her best friend and not the girls she was used to.

PS I kept encouraging her right up to the day of the wedding. I have to say I thought he was cute although he was not much taller than her, a little chubby and had a beard. A few weeks after the wedding she called me and said “He treats me like a queen. I have never felt so important in all my life! I never knew someone can make another person feel so loved and so cared for. Hashem definitely sent me a gem.”