Reply To: Chasidish Baal Teshuva

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In Pirkei Avos we learn “Asei Lcha Rav Uknei Lcha Chaver”,meaning one can choose a Rav and buy a friend. Chassidus goes beyond clothing. Yes, it looks nice and regal but only do it if you have a Rav who you feel close too and can share any dilemna you have. This is not something to just do.

We have a BT friend of over 20 years. Her husband was a Ger. At the time of their wedding he was close to a member of a large Chassidus. The Ger was dressed in all the Chassidish clothing including white socks. Later he made his wife put on a shpitzel. After the wedding, when the show was over , they were left on their own. He lived two lives and the end they got divorced. He went back to his old ways and she raised the two children.

Today she is alone and very disappointed at the community. She is a fun person with alot to offer and would love to get married. With the response from us Boro Parkers being so blah, she is starting to give up even on being Shomeret Shabbos.

Just go ahead with your change if you have someone to hold your hand 24/365!