Reply To: Women & Girls Out There: I Really, Really Need Your Help!!!!

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To be really honest here, I dont like the way I (or most other people, but thats a whole separate issue) look in short. A few things to mention quickly if I may.

Similar to what was mentioned, the idea that you bothered starting a thread about it means you want to do something about it. And the resolve to change something is the hardest part.

I know when something is hard for me, I think to myself that any zchus gained from doing it should be for a certain thing. What also may work, is not letting yourself wear anything short even just one day a week. You’ll think twice before putting it on even on an “ok” day. Like someone I know would say, if this is how far the yetzer hara is going, its probably more important than we realize.

Maybe most importantly, you are completely normal. We were put on this world to perfect ourselves, and even taking what may seem like a small step is really a big step.

Habah l’taher misayin oso.

(Some things I mentioned were similar to things mentioned by other people. I wasn’t trying to copy anyones comments and my apologies if I did.)
