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observanteen: I also had something like that recently… I found this really cute weekday dress that I loved because it was sophisticated and cute AND totally tznius too. It was a conservative color, good length, and it fit me well without being tight at all. Ecxept… it had this visible zipper going down the back a little lower than I would have liked. It took me a half an hour in the dressing room to realize that if I’m spending this much time deciding there must be something wrong. It was so sad…
msseeker: thanks! And that’s really interesting, I never thought about it that way. You almost forget how strong men’s yetzer haras are and that, even though it may seem unfair, it is our responsibility not to be their aveira. I would just like to add that although our tznius definitely affects men, it affects US even more. If we live our lives trying to dress tznius for everyone other than ourselves we’ve missed the point.