Reply To: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish?

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cynical, I’d love to post a very long rebuttal to your comments, however, I don’t have the time. Suffice to say,that NOT ALL the Conservative “Rabbis” or laymen believe that the Torah is divine, that Hashem really gave it to us at Mt. Sinai. Nor do they pratcice true halacha. For example, in case you don’t know yet, a bunch of CONSERVATIVE Rabbis are giving sholom bayis classes for intermarried couples. There are numerous of such instances of blatant disregard for halacha, because as you described that our relationship with Hashem changes, so part of that belief is that some halachas can be disgarded, or changed, as time necessitates, because that is part of that changing relationship.

Maybe your opinion of the Conservative belief of a changing relationship with Hashem does not mean that we disregard some halachas because the relationship doesn’t necessitate it. If so, then please define what your (your own)Conservative ideoligy belief regarding our relationship with Hashem in todays’ generation. What do you mean with “our relationship keeps on changing”?

What is your opinion of Mesorah and minhugim? There’s where the slippery slope starts, btw, in case you didn’t realize, as Judaism becomes a PERSONAL interpretation of our own ideoligies and opinions (of course with those ideas changing in every generation).

And cynical, disagreeing with you is NOT sinas and is NOT keeping Moshiach away.