Reply To: Infertility

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Firstly, I would like to commend all of you. I am very impressed with all the replies thus far.

I am speaking from experience – my husband and I are married over 9 years and have not yet been zoche to children. Unfortunatley, I have had all kinds of comments and suggestions said to me. Some from very close family members – those hurt the most. It really depends if your friend has ever said anything to you about her situtation. If she has not, then all you can say is something like – I just want you to know I’m here if you ever need anything. Do not offer advice, tell her you know how she feels, segulos…. Unfortunatley, the world of infertility can be very scary. We often feel alone and isolated. The important thing is to just act normal towards her. Don’t constantly talk about your kids to her but on the other hand don’t never. Don’t stop talking about diapers, babies…when she walks in the room. Just be normal. There are also wonderful organizations out there that help couples struggling with infertility – A TIME and Bonei Olam.

Kudos to you for caring enough to ask for advice before saying anything to her.

Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher V’Sameach.