Reply To: Shul Etiquette

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jewish source

To my dear friend, “jewish source”, with all due respect….

BEKOL ROM does NOT mean screaming you way through Pesukei Dezimrah and Shema – show me in Halacha that you are supposed to do that.

Everyone will agree that BEKOL ROM means davening out loud – loud enough at a comfortable level for all those surrounding you. So, screaming during davening shows that he is more important than those around him.

Say what you want, we lost our proper davening over the years.

by chasidim Stolin Square Visnitz by the sefardim Taymonim they know how to daven.

most litvishe shuls the first question is,

when is borchu? for heavens sake what happend to PSD betzibre davening geshmack.

and guess what nobody is ready for SHME together ! you know why ? I will tell you Because nobody davenes together loud.. bottom line you lost the art of davening. GO LEARN HOW TO DAVEN