Reply To: Getting Married & Trying To Decide To Have TV Or Not

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Spoiler 86, sometimes when it is there and you are alone, one tends to put it on just for background noise. Depending where you live, the house might creak and sometimes it gets scary to be alone in the apartment with the noises. Anything can tempt you to turn it on just to distract you from everyday silly noises, boredom or loneliness when your spouse isn’t around. If it is not there, you will look for other options like a music cd, a sound machine, a radio, etc. When your spouse is home you will wind up having more conversations if the TV isn’t on to just watch the news or a sports event. There are always sports events available since you can’t get reception without cable these days.

As far as the comment regarding the computer and Avoda Zara. The OP did not ask for anyone’s opinion on TV. She asked for help in deciding whether she should start off her marriage with a TV in her home or not since she is NOT opposed to TV. How are you helping her with your comments?