Reply To: Getting Married & Trying To Decide To Have TV Or Not

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MindOverChatter…your argument regarding conservative rabbis is silly. Firstly we are discussing orthodox Judaism, as we all know there is a world of difference between orthodoxy and the conservative movement…

Secondly, driving on shabbos is strictly forbiden by all Ortho Rabbis, bringing in a conservative point of view, is well, pointless in your argument regarding watching TV.

Your talking apples and oranges by comparing soemthing that is clearly forbiden ( except in extrem circumstances) and watching TV, which regardless of your personal view point, is in fact not assur per say…

while it may not be for you, and while you may follow the teachings of Rabbi’s who say it is assur, there are many highly regarded Ortho Rabbi’s who do not hold that view point….

And regardless of whatever filters you and DY may have on your computer, there are many prominent Rabbi’s who clearly ban the internet, no exception…Yet, despite this you don’t seem to have a problem going on line…and the coffee room is not “work”

you are in no position to judge, if it aint for you great, but please dont pretend to be the “decider”