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☕ DaasYochid ☕

there are many highly regarded Ortho Rabbi’s who do not hold that view point….

So far not one has been named here. What you consider “highly regarded” might very well differ from what I do (at least for this discussion).

I use the word “posek” intentionally. Someone may hold a very important pulpit or other rabbinical position, and may indeed do excellent work for Klal Yisroel, but is unqualified to render halachic decisions.

there are many prominent Rabbi’s who clearly ban the internet, no exception

I don’t know of any (although there are probably some, especially in Eretz Yisroel). I know of many who don’t ban it outright, although do ban it if there is no need for it.

Yet, despite this you don’t seem to have a problem going on line…and the coffee room is not “work”

Once it’s available, why should using it for other “kosher” purposes be a problem?

I find some of your arguments to be ad hominem, and not related to the actual discussion. Even if I were a hypocrite for having a discussion on the internet taking a negative view of television viewing, it wouldn’t change whether or not my position is correct. (It would make my position more difficult to accept, human nature being what it is, which is why I’ve felt the need to explain how I’m absolutely not being hypocritical.)

I personally know of a well-known yeshivish posek who gave a psak regarding a specific case to get one.

Since the reason it’s asur is based on the content and not the actual medium, it’s entirely possible that in a specific case where there is a need and the content can be carefully monitored, a legitimate rov might allow it. But that would not change the fact that it is generally asur. (This is based on the ????? which I alluded to earlier.)