Reply To: nose bleeds

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toomuch00 -“they melt the blood vessel closed with tiny amount of fire.”

Not exactly; either we use chemicals or electrical heat.

Most bleeds will stop if you pinch the fleshy part for 5 to ten minutes straight without checking in between. Lean forward and spit out the blood from your mouth. If it doesn’t stop, do it again, but first blow out your nose. This will remove the clots. If it still doesn’t stop after the next 10 minutes either seek medical care or twist a gauze into a tree and put it up the nose after blowing, and squeeze another ten minutes. Don’t remove if it stops -leave the gauze up there a few hours and then remove gently. If it feels stuck, squeeze a few drops of oil (baby oil) or H2O2 up there and then remove. OOmis is right -if this happens all the time, you have to seek a cause. I could write a whole Megilla on medical treatments, but I don’t want to bore you. Two things I like -one is this clothespin device that is made for nosebleeds. It’s great for kids because you put it on them and they can move around. They don’t have to sit still for 10 minutes. The other meant for medical professionals is the “Rhino rocket”. It’s shot into the bleeding nostril and tamponades the bleed.