Reply To: Cholent Pot

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St. Moritz, like EASY-OFF or Mr. Muscle, is dangerous when mishandled. Children should never be allowed anywhere near it, of course. That goes without saying. Lock it up in a cabinet WITH A KEY and only have access to it yourself. What do you do with your bleach and ammonia? Kids can get into anything, including their grandparents’ or parents’ medication, so a bisseleh seichel is called-for. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, just be very careful. I never tried St. Moritz (Well Done, is the actual name of the product) on clothing, but I HAVE successfully used Tilex on white shirt mildew stains, when regular bleach did not work sufficiently well, and it saved those shirts which I was ready to cut up for rags, plus it also works great in coffee cups.