Reply To: Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos Reply To: Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos


Happiest: No, it’s not a stupid question. It is the question many people, including great tzaddikim have asked: “Tzaddik vera lo rasha vetov lo”. Why???

The answer? We don’t understand. This used to be very difficult for me to accept. What do you mean, “I don’t understand”?! I DO want to know! After all, I’M the one suffering! Only after extensive research and painful months have I come to the conclusion that Yiddishkeit is the Truth. Once I REALLY believed, I stopped asking questions (I still have questions, but I don’t necessarily need an answer). Not because everything is crystal clear. But because I believe and TRULY trust Hashem. He obviously knows what He’s doing. He’s been running the world forever and always managed without my “help”. Besides, how do we know the cheshbon up there? How do we know which gilgul this bochur is and why he must go through this suffering? We will get all answers up there.

Meanwhile, all we’ve got to do is daven, daven and daven some more.