Reply To: Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos Reply To: Dismay – Japanese Injustice Travesty and Tefillos


While I feel terrible for these Bochurim, I wouldn’t blame the Japanese justice system.

They didn’t know they have drugs with them, true, but the fact is that they entered the country with illegal material.

Japan has the full right to punish them, no matter how much it hurts us.

I,too, Davened so much for them to be freed, and I wish they wouldn’t have to suffer these consequences. They so didn’t want to do bad. My heart goes out to them as I continue praying for them.

But blame Japan? I don’t think it’s right. They’re just punishing an illegal act. Something that is a very terrible crime in that country.

Hashem should help them get through this crisis easily and quickly.