Reply To: Not Looking For A Psak, Just An Opinion

Home Forums Bais Medrash Not Looking For A Psak, Just An Opinion Reply To: Not Looking For A Psak, Just An Opinion

☕ DaasYochid ☕


That makes no sense to me. One is allowed to invite a full fledged mechallel Shabbos to a meal (unless you’re like the guy from “Friday night at the Hockers” 🙂 ), so this would certainly be mutar.

I have a feeling there’s something missing from the story.

What would make sense is if the rabbi who holds it’s asur to carry in that neighborhood forbids you to invite someone who will carry something to your house because of “Lifnei Iver”. This would not be “pre-empting” another rav’s ruling (to address Wolf’s point) because it addresses his own follower.