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“until I can either get a psak from my own rov, or, better yet, if R’ Elyashiv paskens on herring.”

Daas Yochid: This I don’t understand. Why are you relying on anything other than YOUR own Rov’s psak? Rav Elyashiv, by your own statement, is not your Rov. Should you not be relying on YOUR ROV rather than on ANYONE OTHER than YOUR ROV? And what’s so hard about geting a psak from your own Rov, that you have to wait “until I can” do so??

“#3 Look up the Michtav MeEliahu, where he uses this sevara to permit killing lice on Shabbos, which is “chayav” for paroshim according to the Gemara.”

hello99: Doesn’t the Gemorah specifically and directly permit killing lice on Shabbos. Therefore, how this direct permission for lice by the Gemorah, extend as a sevara to anything else?