Reply To: Worms In Fish

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Daas Yochid: “the comparison of anisakis to lice does not work. Lice appear to generate spontaneously, anisakis do not. Since I already made this point, which you have not answered, if was fair for me to try to clarify if we’re on the same page on this.”

I DID answer this earlier in #3. the darna/morana of the Gemara also appear to generate spontaneously, and that is the literal translation of minei gavli. Rav Vaye and Rav Kubers’ heter as well as all the ossrim are based on the understanding that the Gemara ONLY permitted these worms because of spontaneous generation.

“If you would accept that whereas chaza’l knew the metzius, would it not follow logically that we should not be meikil according to those rishonim, but rather machmir like other rishonim (i.e. the Ramba’m) who asser flesh worms in the flesh)?”

Not at all. Why ignore predation.

“What is more logical and compelling, however, is to treat both the gemoro and the rishonim literally”

Do you really think that Spontaneous Generation is “logical and compelling”???

It seems you have conceded that the Chavos Daas does NOT mention any issur dRabannan and there is NO grounds to invent a new din of assuming the host’s status. So what do you find not compelling in predation???

BTW, Michtav me’Eliahu also gives the example of mayim shelanu as being described in the Gemarra as based on the premise that the world is flat. MY Rosh Yeshiva never considered it a higher level of emuna to belive that the world is flat.