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Firstly, thank you for starting a thread which has become more and more interesting.
To address your point, about what “minei gavli” means, nothing was proven, just speculated upon, and, I believe, erroneously. Please see Rashi in Chullin (58a) who says that the loshon of “godlo” specifically refers to an entire growth process,”kol giduleho”, not just a partial one. You can look it up here; I’ll give you a link.
See also Maggid Mishna, who uses the same term “gadli” as Rashi, yet also uses the term “mis’havim mimenu”, the same exact term which Rav Belsky Shlit”a uses in his teshuva to describe spontaneous generation!
Have you seen R’ Falk Shlit”a” teshuva? He learns Rashi as I do.
See also Ramba”m in Sefer Hamitzvos who uses terminology describing spontaneous generation.
and explains the misconception that denies it.
see also Rashb”a at the end of the sugya in Chullin 67b.