Reply To: Worms In Fish

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Daas: I’m familiar with the sugya but don’t understand your comment “only the ???? ?? ???? is ???? because of ??????.” Shulchan Aruch clearly states that the shilia of a chamor is MUTAR and noone argues regarding a chamor. Maybe you wrote a typo and that is what threw me off?

“Please explain, though, what you think the good reasons to be meikil are”

As we have discussed at length the past week, I think that predation is a strong sevara to be matir.

Even according to the Kreisi u’Pleisi and Pri Chadash it is likely that worms would be mutar as they are also mius. Even if not, they would certainly not be worse than tzir dagim teme’im which is only dRabbanan as Tosafos Chullin 98 and the Rosh Avoda Zara write because there is no derasha for yotzei min dagim teme’im. Once the issue here has been reduced to asheila on a dRabbanan it is MUCH easier to rely on the meikilim.

I agree that Rav Belsky’s understanding of minei gavli, with all due respect, is “problematic”.

“What we have here, in essence, is not so much a ?????? in the ???? and ??????, but in how literally to treat the words of the ??”?. The ?????? in the ???? and ?????? is merely a by-product.”

Do you have a problem with that?