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Daas: “Worms aren’t ????? enough to be ?????; otherwise ??????? and ???? ????? would be ????!”

Sorry but that isn’t true. Pirsha is only a heter from the issur of yotzei min hatamei, which is not the problem with kukiani which are independantly assur as sheretz hamayim. See Shulchan Aruch YD 104:3 that a sheretz retains it’s issur no matter how mius it may be, though it will not asser a ta’aruves because of NTLP. Additionally the Rema 103:1 writes that a sheretz may lose its status as a bria if it is mius, but it clearly retains the issur.

I have not seen Rav Falk’s teshuva, only what Rav Vaye quotes from him. Is it printed in Machaze Eliyahu? Rav Vaye quotes him as being mattir based on predation and writes that Rav Fischer, Rav SZ Auerbach, Rav Bentzion Abba Shaul and other Gedolei HaPoskim agreed.

“I’ll just make one point now; if ????? ???? is based on perception then the whole lifecycle/predation sevoro should be moot, because in the times of Chaza’l it wasn’t perceived that way”

I didn’t understand that he was explaining the words minei gavli as much as stating that the Halachaca is muttar, but again I did not see the original source.

“I think it’s much harder to be ???? on instinct rather than on how to learn the ?????.”

I wouldn’t call this being mattir on “instinct”. The responsibility of a Posek has always been to creatively use his knowledge of the entire realm of Halacha from every possible angle to determine whether an issue is muttar or assur. He is not limited to explaining a single sugya.