Reply To: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos Reply To: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos


Groisnachas-You have asked a valid question which truly reflects a weak point in our charachter as a Jewish Community. So many times we find ourselves wondering and worrying what the neighbors may say. But there comes times in one’s life when you have to make a move, take a stand and act for your own self interest, and NOT GIVE A CARE what others may think.

Its none of her business. You do NOT owe her an explanaion in the first place. When you remove your hair covering in front of her, you learn to do it very discreetly, quickly switching into the next thing you’re throwing on. And if/when she sees there is no hair there anymore you do not explain. If she is so bold or rude as to question you what you did to yourself, you remain silent.

Silence sometimes is the strongest answer. sometimes it means “none of your business”. YOU do not owe anyone an explanation. In fact, if you were to lower yourself to giving out explanations, then she might laugh and turn to her neighbors and say “did you know Mrs. So and So shaved off her hair just cause some Rebbe told her to!!!”

SOmetimes you learn to just be strong in order to do the right thing. SOmetimes people do laugh and you learn to be strong through the cackling, and then learn that after a while the cackling dies down, and that deep down they are really in admiration of you after all.