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observanteen – I never said I was a BT (draw your own conclusions).

I believe that he who forgets that he was megayer and not a BT, is the one who succeeded.

Actually, the story is that I am of Jewish background (biologically) but wasn’t 100% any more, so I started returning, made aliyah (I was under the Law of Return) and corrected things. I don’t see myself as having done anything special, I just corrected something that went wrong at some point in history. It’s no big deal for me and personally, I suppose this is the first time most people here see my background – oh well, it’s not a secret anyway – but the truth is that I never tell anyone the whole story. Being a BT is enough. Besides, we’re all BTs in a way, and aside from that, I did actually return to Am Yisroel after my family left, so it is a sort of teshuvoh – only not just teshuvoh to Daas Moshe VeYisroel but to Am Yisroel as well.

To come back to what I just said – there are those who forever stand out as being ‘geirim’. Everyone knows they are, and somehow, they always have this kind of ‘smell’ (sorry, I really don’t know how to say it). Many of them, especially the ones who come from a Christian background, are still – forever – stuck with certain dogmas from their old life and never change.

As for me, I have never in my life been to any sort of religious function of any sort other than Orthodox Jewish. Not a wedding, not a funeral, not any sort of service – not in any sort of church, and not even a Reform shul. So I guess my head is purer than that of most BTs. 🙂 Don’t want to insult anyone, I hope everyone understands what I mean. I mean to say that I never had any poison enter my mind at all – I have never known anything but being Jewish. That, also, is why I barely consider myself a BT even. It’s just completely irrelevant to me. A yid is a yid and that’s it. Enough with the labels…

(I really should go to sleep now, this isn’t making any sense.)