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I would just like to say that while I have reservations I’m not antagonistic. I truly appreciate that shadchanim aren’t being paid enough, that they are working l’sheim shamayim, and all that goes with this.

It’s just such a chaval that their job is so much harder. There are many societal issues that are making it harder, lunacy in the investigation process (what size dress does the bubbe wear), expectations, yes, the demographics of more girls to boys, and I could go on. We have to start addressing this too. Bring some sanity to the world. Let mothers know that they are making themselves sound like poor future MIL material. Figure out why there are more good girls than boys. (And I have to say, there are many people dealing with this – kol hakavod to them.)These are just some examples of what we parents have to do NOW to restore some sanity and ehrlichkeit to the process.

(Note: this rant doesn’t even mention support. We can go there later.)