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regarding the din of kidsha rishona kidsha leosid lavo, the chasam sofer is k’maat a da’as yochid of the achronim to pasken that way. In teshuvas rebbi akiva eiger he writes to the chasam sofer about this inyan and argues strongly with it.

Anyone who wants a full biur in kidsha rishona can look in tzitz eliezer 10:1 where he spends 80 pages going through this topic, the kedusha of the kosel etc.

And if you say the halacha is clearly like the chasam sofer, that would permit going on to har habais which 99% of gedolei doreinu assurred.

About the above mentioned gedolim most of them did not hold it was a maaseh satan. MOst clearly the brisker rov who said if it was really maaseh soton, it would make the soton stronger than hashem (bmechitzosom Loritnz) And most of them held of living in eretz yisrael and the kedusha of yerushalayim.

The tzitz eliezer can be foound here