Reply To: When young adult leaves to be Frei

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binahyeseira, yes I believe so. Your religion and spirituality is all tied up to your emotions. Having bitachon and emunah is tied up in your emotions. Your self-esteem and self-confidence is tied to your emotions. Your friendships, relationships, failures and successes are all tied to your emotions. In my experience when kids go OTD they are running away from who they are because they are hurting and they try to shed their own identity. First comes the tefillin, then the tzisis, then the kipah, then they are mechalel shabbos and then they eat treif. It happens in stages as they first try one thing then the other. But in the end when they finally return they realize that yiddishkeit is not just the levush or the rules. It is WHO they are inside and out. IT is all they know, it is what defines them and not what detracts from them. They can’t shed it because it is not an item or clothing or a thing. It is their mind, body and soul. It is their flesh and their shadow. In the end they realize that you can’t run away from who you are you must embrace it.