Reply To: When does a kalla have to cover her hair?

Home Forums Simchas When does a kalla have to cover her hair? Reply To: When does a kalla have to cover her hair?


So far we have the following piskei din as far as when a woman needs to cover her hair:

Mishna Brura – from kiddushin

Rav Moshe – from the morning

Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky – from the yichud

Any more?

An unmarried b’ula needs to cover her hair. So if someone wasn’t frum and is a b’ula, when she becomes a BT she must immediately cover her hair (even though she isn’t, and never was, married)?

cherrybim: Can you cite any posek (preferably major but any for now) regarding your contention that some might matir an almana or g’rusha from covering her hair “if it will help her remarry”? Also, if you can, a posek who allows married women to let strange men see her hair in her house.