Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"


Look at what Rebbi1 wrote In Switzerland. no, Germany, no and would you trust them anyway France, no… lets hear form some of the frum crowd in European countries.. What about Australia??? South Africa?? Do you know how many little farmers bring their milk to central companies?? Who is enforcing?? I was told that it is not eve trustworthy in England because people drink treif mmilk and its not a crime to mix. or the penalties are minimal

have a great Shabbos everyone!