Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"


Charlie – You’re so predictable. At least you’re consistent. As a matter of fact, I was going to bring as an added proof what you posted – “Wrong again. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed after being convicted of spying for a then-ally. (And Ethel was probably innocent of the charges.)”

You are just adding fuel to my fire!

Why do you think they were treated differently than other spies? Why do you think they executed at least one, perhaps two innocent people? Perhaps, just perhaps because they were Jews. If they treat Jews differently, even if it’s not all the time, they don’t have the Din of D.M.D.!

“Your ingratitude is a chilul HaShem.”

Actually it’s not. People who treat Jews differently are making the Chillul and Bizoyin of Hashem.

And I have this ingratitude after the Judge laughed off my discrimination case. Which BTW they don’t do with other types whom are discriminated against. I’m still waiting for the Courts to tell me why it is any hardship, let alone “undue hardship”, for the company to have accommodated my religious beliefs. All the company ever proved was that it was a business decision to force all employees to work on Sat. Well, no company would be open on Sat. if it wasn’t a business decision, in other words, they are making money on that day. And forcing all employees to work on that day, is because they figured- workers don’t want to work on weekends. But where in these last few lines, have they proven -if they accommodate Shabbos observers that there will be a hardship, let alone an “undue hardship”, on their business. The law requires proof, not theorizing.