Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"


Kilobear – “When they opened the KGB archives in the early 90’s, I was living in Moscow. The information in the archives made it very clear that both Rosenbergs, of less than blessed memory, were guilty as charged.”

Were you privy to the real docs, not the ones they just showed to the world? Like were you in the gov. at that time? At that time, a lot of people were claiming that the execution was based on anti-semitism. It now appears that this was true. I personally until yesterday did any research on them, but once this was brought up here, I did. Lots of info is now available immediately due to the net. Now the Judge said that he is giving them the death penalty because of the atomic secrets.

The brother who got ten years, said he lied and involved his sister to protect his wife, but his sister Mrs. Rosenberg was really innocent. The spy from Mother Russia whom Mr. Rosenberg passed info to -said -“none of the info contained any nuclear data”. Yes, he was a spy and maybe his wife helped him, but acc. to the reasoning of the sentencing Judge at that time, they executed two innocent people. Two lower level spies were executed in America because the Court system based a decision on something other than the facts. Why did this happen? Perhaps the groups screaming at that time were correct, it was a case of antisemitism! Even Charlie admits, the Country wasn’t so much into the cold war at that time, so this abuse probably wasn’t due to the Commie witch hunt!