Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's" Reply To: Kula Creep – The Creation and Use of Non-Existent "Kula's"


apushatayid -“Somehow you equate tzedaka and government programs with parnassah.”

Wrong, taking Gov. programs isn’t Tzedaka, it’s Parnossa.

“they said one may be mishane”

Play on words – that means lie.

“for the sake of shalom and extended it to, one may lie for the sake of parnassah.”

Wrong again, lying for the sake of Parnossa would be under the umbrella of Sholom. You have every right to that money, whether you comply with their guidelines or not!