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I have seen a disturbing birth video on Youtube, in which the birth was handled by a old grandmotherly like midwive in Brazil. This was a footling breech birth, and it has bothered me ever since. The birth was completely midhandled, and as a result the baby did not adapt well, needing serious intervention. After his body was out it took over 5 mins to get his head out, and he did not start breathing. TO be blunt he looked perfectly dead and limp. Many midwives commenting on the video agreed as well that proper care and manuveurs which were needed were not used by the ignorant midwives. What was more disturbing was the parents reaction like “oh we gave birth to a limp blue baby- CONGRATULATIONS” as if nothing else mattered. Their reaction was like “oh its a small price to pay in order to avoid a non-medicated birth or c-sec”. They didn’t react normally, with concern. And the midwives were just toothless smiling old ladies.

So in light of what Ima2many has said, caregivers need to be responsible whether they are midwives or doctors.