Reply To: Anthony's Verdict

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CJP – “The state had no business seeking a murder in the first degree charge but because the suspect was caucasian and “middle class” they needed to bare their teeth and show that the law applies “equally” to everyone.”

It was premeditated. They had every right to seek a murder one case. The only reason they should have maybe hesitated was because all they had was cicumstantial evidence which maybe they should have gone for murder two, instead of one. Her gender and race and “class” had nothing to with it. Maybe her gender was a factor for the jury.

“To extrapolate that the entire criminal justice system is now defunct is just another case of crying wolf when it’s not only unnecessary but incredibly counter productive.”

From one case- you would be right. It hasn’t worked in years. This is just another miscarriage of justice in a long line of foul ups!

“Mothers killing their children is present in every society/country, dont use that as evidence that this “treifah medina” that everyone seems to love benefiting from is now totally lawless.”

I’m not aware of what occurs everywhere else, but what proof do you have that where ever this does occur that Justice is not served there?

“In this instance, the law did what it was supposed to. It protected the mother from an instance of mob justice due to an unpopular verdict”

This isn’t about the law. It’s about whether s/o broke the existing law. There was a mob scene at the trial, but this had nothing to do with justice. They just wanted a piece of the action. The Judge should have never allowed this case to turn into a circus. The verdict only became unpopular after the trial, unless you & others knew what the jury would decide.