Reply To: Anthony's Verdict

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Cherrybim -“There was no scientific proof presented at the trial which indicated that she was murdered, only circumstantial speculation, or guessing by the medical examiner.”

You really have no clue about murder cases. Why don’t you watch some reality TV like AMW or 48 hours? If you find a two y.o. dead in the woods, the presumtion is murder. If you find tape and a bag with the child, it strengthens your presumtion. If a defense lawyer (liar) wants to claim that this child was killed accidently – the burden of proof is now on the defense to prove his claims. Claiming it and manipulating minds doesn’t change the presumption of murder. Instilling doubt doesn’t change the ratio of presumtion of murder against accidental death, no matter how many times the lawyer repeats it. Yes, the evidence is circumstantial, but many a criminal has been convicted on this type of evidence.

“Laboratory testing of the remains produced no scientific evidence of murder.”

We are very lucky in the last couple of years because they have discovered how to use DNA as evidence, but before the discovery of DNA – people still killed others. I wouldn’t expect them to find any scientific evidence, due to the length of time before they discovered the body. Do you have any scientific knowledge?

“It’s no wonder that the jury acquitted Casey.”

This statement I can agree with, but for different reasons. The Juries in America are hand picked by the lawyers. They can’t be too smart, but not extremely dumb. Main thing is that they don’t want them to think for themselves. They want them to believe what’s ever fed to them. Americans used to be quite bright, but now the generations are being brought up on TV, internet, etc. Sitting your whole childhood like a zombie won’t make you into a genius! You see this isn’t a small problem because a good portion of America agrees with this Jury!