Reply To: Death Penalty For the Murder of Leiby Kletzky…..

Home Forums In The News Death Penalty For the Murder of Leiby Kletzky….. Reply To: Death Penalty For the Murder of Leiby Kletzky…..


He would be Chayav Missah. However in the time of the Sanhedrin, if the vote was unanimous with regard to his guilt, I dont think hew ould have been killed.

That is correct. All the judges voting for conviction results in an acquittal.

but I think if all the Sanhedrin members thik he is guilty and one is not sure, he gets off.

If the vote is 22-0 for conviction (with one non-vote), then two additional judges are added to the court and (after possible further deliberation) another vote is taken. Once you have a result with 23 voting members, then the result is binding.

The Wolf (who is thisclose to finally finishing Sanhedrin)