Reply To: girls wearing makeup!

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Altz is Git

All of what you’re saying is idealistic yet very unrealistic (did not mean to rhyme that but it just came out). i dont know about you, but im in the “late teens” and most of my contemporaries started wearing make-up in about 10th grade, and many started in 9th, some girls really over did it. its absolutly wonderful to have the outlook that HAshem is the greatet make-up artist.granted. unfortunatly that is not what the media nor our society states. every girl out there (and i mean EVER, no matter what you think) has a very very low esteemed outlook on herself, thanks a lot to stupid advertising which boasts extrememly skinny models with airbrushing to boot. girls and boys for that matter now have an exreme twisted view on how girls are supposed to look. so i can NOT blame anyone out there who feels like they must glob on the makeup and speak badly of themselves. its a real terrible situation that people must be aware of. unfortunatly telling a girl that she looks fine naturaly just wont cut it these days. chaval, because every one does look better natural.