Reply To: How could G-d do this

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shosh shain

I think theres always the question if HaShem controlls et how do we have free choice? I remember in HS the question was how can evil ppl be punished if it was decree from H`? Obv is was decree that this innocent child pass but what aron did after that to me was something that was in his own free will, something extra that didnt need to be done.

like they said when we were in egypt pharaoh was suppose to make the labor hard but to take away the material to make the bricks was st extra, he did bc it brought him extra ennjoyment to see us suffer, thats where the line crosses between decree and free will. this is my opinion,

How could something so awful happen? It nothing we can ever fully understand. Et Hashem does is for the best. Lieby A”H was a korban we need to better our selves and let Hashem know we hear His message.

My husband came home from shul lastnight saying the rabbis speech was really something. Bringing down points where when we need to wake Hashem takes away the great Rabbis. didnt 3 great rabbis just pass? If we still dont wake Hashem then must wake us with having things happen to children! They say we can never understand why things happen it looks like the back of a needle point all bumpy and a mess. B”H when mashiach comes Hashem reveals why everything happened, thus turning around the needlepoint to uncover a beautiful picture.