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basket of radishes

Illiberal thought processes are not orthodox. To be permissive or to be a pacifist is not orthodox either. Sadly people confuse permissivism and pacifism with liberalism. This is like comparing a picket fence to a grove of trees.

Truth is what out Creator will teach to us in our days.

I do not profess to know exactly the true way that our G-d wants us to conduct ourselves all of the time and I certainly do not believe that every rabbi has the ins and outs on the way of our Creator. If I believed the rabbis, I might not have a computer, I might not have gone to college, I might not have studied medicine, I might not have entered into philosophical debate becuase some rabbi had it all together for me in advance.

I am not against the leadership of our Torah leaders, but I strive to become a torah leader myself and know the true Derech of our people.