Reply To: Wearing a Yarmulka in a Movie Theater

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basket of radishes

Sorry, I don’t mean to indicate that that is the way of our people. I wish to indicate that there are people today who are forbidding the Jew in their community to use certain forms of media. I have also seen a number of articles in the last few years telling that we can not use the internet on VIN, YWN and Matzav. I am aware that many in the yeshiva education system are forbidden from having an internet connection and are forbidden from using this sort of Modern day computer internet connection.

I may see that there are certain groups, perhaps those in a very structured yeshiva who the teachers and leaders do not wish to be exposed to outside ideas while they are in their programs. For someone in a yeshiva, I believe that as illiberal as the idea of no computer is, it is within the rights of the yeshiva to enforce this but that our children should also have the right to use a computer if they so choose. It may make it that people will no longer pursue that particular yeshiva and that is the democratic process. But if it works for that sort of community, I am not going to be one to interfere.

But for me as a Jew to want to use the internet and other media, I feel that is my G-d given right. And sadly, it may make me someone on the outskirts of a religious community in some places, but that is my choice. I am well served as an American and Jew by having access to the online information.


they claim that it is assur to have a computer period. I have a friend who has to go to the public library to use the computer for even a simple thing such as learning to type.