Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and gemorah Avoda Zara 18b

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For some context. Rashi in avoda relates the story that beruriah disagreed with the saying of chazal “nashim datan kalos aleyhen” which Rashi tells us was said in kiddushin peh amud beis(the statement appears elsewhere in shas too, but rashi specifies this place) where the gemara says this is the reason 2 women may not be secluded with one man. Rashi (in kiddushin anyway) explains datan kalos to mean that they are easily persuaded, and since it is the case, neither woman would be afraid or ashamed to do an aveira because they figure the other will do so as well. Beruriah objected to this explanation Rashi in avoda zAra tells us. R’ Meir sent one of his talmidim who eventually did persuade her (not that she actually did), and out of embarresment she killed herself. I thought I saw it mentioned that r’ meir was able to enter a “beis zonos” and emerge unscathed. It should be pointed out that r’ meir purposely entered that place because he was being chased by the romans who wanted to kill him (for rescuing his siter in law – bruriahs sister – from a beis zona – oh, and she never sinned). What are we trying to prove with this rashi?