Reply To: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws

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Please. Your average death row offender is proof that human beings share 98% of DNA with great apes. He is a creature who, either because of his being born to a drug-addicted mother or at the very least a mother who did not get prenatal care, or because of a defective gene combined with an utter lack of regard for other human beings, has surrendered his tzelem elokim.

And I don’t care if his name is Levi Aron, Martin Grossman, Ted Bundy or Tookie Williams – or for that matter if it is Zacarias Moussaoui who follows an ideology that glorifies repeated death penalty offenses. He needs to be erased. And we need to make sure, through supporting candidates who want to cut welfare, that no more of these creatures are born.