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The Frumguy: No, MO don’t look for kulos. We just don’t accept unnecessary chumros as halachah. We don’t all hold the minimum zman for motzei Shabbos – the shul I daven in definitely doesn’t daven at the earliest zman. Chalav Stam is an issue I don’t want to get into again – but it’s not a kulah, being makpid on C”Y is the chumrah. As for pas Yisrael, as in the chareidi world, it is gaining popularity. Many chareidim still aren’t makpid on it. It’s not only Modern Orthodox. As for the tznius issues, the chareidi world invented many chumros, yet still can’t seem to get their act straight. Every week I hear about the tznius crisis in Lakewood, how women are dressed to kill, etc. ut just because Modern Orthodox women might keep the basic halachah, without the additional chumros, they’re labeled as not being tznius? Why is that?

Modern orthodox don’t take the “easy way out”. Chareidim choose the hard road.