Reply To: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music?

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Classical music is not bound to a specific time. When we say, classical music, we usually mean to include the Romantic, Baroque, Classic, and all. So, did Bach’s music influence Haskala?

Actually I did not bring any proof from the generation. I gave a cause to it. But, do you think that the Enlightenment was a dipping point for the world? I wouldn’t want to be caught saying so! It was a rational age. Unfortunately, many behaved like teenagers, that just got some brains and therefore feel smarter that anyone who ever walked the face of this planet.

One thing I’m sure you’ll agree we shouldn’t take from the Goyim is Haskafa. You seem to have adapted their concept of evolving morals, which they confuse with evolving etiquette. Wild and Megushem are not relative terms.