Reply To: Texting on Shabbos could be worse than murder

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Shilishi: I didn’t mean to infer that all children who text on Shabbos r”l are emotionally messed up. Many children are just not too inspired to keep Yiddishkeit. However, the many teens who are actually messed up emotionally, as a result of their parents/rabbaim abuse and humiliation, are definitely in the category of ‘Oi’nes’, and logically it would seem that the parents/rabbeim carry the ultimate responsibility for the child’s future actions, or they are at least responsible for the aveira of Ritzicha for emotionally killing this child for life.

I don’t think Levi Aron’s actions is comparable to teens being mechalel shabbos; someone doesn’t kill a child unless he has muderous instincts with perverted ta’avos which he desires to fulfill; however through abusive/humiliating parents a child can lose his whole desire for Yiddishkeit, making all mitzvos absolutely meaningless to him. would you go daven each day if the words in tefila have absolutely no emotional meaning to you at all?

And I was just qouting a Gemara regarding the severity of the issur of Loshon Hara; are you disagreeing with the Gemara?