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On the ball – I’m sorry to say you are quite wrong!
The Rambam in Hilchos Rozeach says right after the Mishna of Kipa – (I’ll translate) “We only do this for killing people and not for other people whom have to be killed by Bais Din. If they are required to get killed by Bais Din -we kill them; if not, not.
Even though there are Aveiros which are more Chamor than killing, they don’t have in them the destruction of the world like killing.
Even Avodah Zorah and for sure not Arayos or Chillul Shabbos, aren’t like Shificas Domim (killing)! Because these Aveiros are Bein Odom L’mokom, but killing are from the Aveiros of Beim Odom L’chaveiro and anybody whom has this Aveirah in their hand is a Rosha Gomor, etc…”
By the word “Chamor”, I think the Rambam means worse punishment.
I can understand your frustration about texting, esp. if it is a Dorysah, but screaming Fire and Brimstone never brought anybody back to Yiddishkeit on a long term basis. The saying goes -“You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”!