Reply To: HaRav, Rav, Rabbi, Reb

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Moshe Kohn

@Itche Srulik -I don’t know. I am a native Yiddish speaker and among peers, if you are not called by your first name with no prefix such as “Reb” this is the surest sign that you are not considered a real friend rather a distant acquaintance. Or it means that you’re about to be hit up for a donation.

@oy vey kids these days -Sorry to break it to you, but there is no one correct pronunciation of ??? in the Gemara. Some Sefardim (not the ones I learnt with in Yeshiva) may pronounce it as “Reebee”, but Ashkenazim (Chassidim and Misnagdim alike) pronounce it as “Rebbe” or “Rabbi”(segol or pasach under the reish and chirik under the beis). If you find a Talmud Bavli with nekudos from the times of the Amoraim (with a chirik under the reish) maybe I’ll agree with your post.