Reply To: Earthquake, Hurricane? what's the message?

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It was supposed to be worse but we had a kapara exactly this time last month…. Lieby kletzky olov hasholom.

May we all improve so we don’t have to have any further karbonos…

The earth is shaking judgment is coming apron us so we should shake even more so!!!! Elul!!!!!!!!!! Is coming!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! Stop sleeping before it’s too late!!!! Improve now!!!!!

The name of the month of av stands for Elul boh! – Elul is coming!!!!!

Prepare yourselvesnow so that you won’t be rushed last minuite!!!! It’s def nerve-racking!!!!! PREPARE YOURSELVES & DAVEN HARD THE NEW YEAR IS ABOUT TO COME UPON US !!!!!

I love you everyone of us yidden!!! You are all soooo dear to me!!!! I just love you all and can’t love you enough!!!! I care about you all. May you all have hatzlocha and Brocha in this coming year and many more years to come!!!!

Moshiach pleeeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeee come!!!!! We neeeeeeeeeed you here!

We all want to serve in the beis hamikdash this year!!!! Hashem please bring your geula!!!! Please !!!!

Klal yisroel DEAR KLAL YISROEL, Hatzlocha Raba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!