Reply To: Please come back Aries2756

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Please come back Aries2756 Reply To: Please come back Aries2756


Thanks oomis, I feel the same way about you and was actually going to post just find out if you were ok in the hurricane and if you evacuated. “

We were indeed evacuated on Shabbos (I chose to leave on Friday, because even though one may be mechallel Shabbos for pikuach nefesh, there was no justification for me to wait for the evacuation order when I could just as easily leave before Shabbos.) and I was fortunate to have Mishpacha in a safer neighborhood. B”H all is well, and we came home on Sunday to an intact home, though I heard people around the corner from me were looted. I feel as if any would-be looters would have come by my house, they would have taken one look, had rachmanus, and left a fifty dollar bill on the door, with a note, “You clearly need this more than we do.”

“Deleted posts? No, this I cannot imagine. Even when you say something out in left field, its with such refinement, I’d be hard pressed to think of a time that a comment of yours would flunk the mods’s edit button “

Hard to believe, but yep, it has happened. But I do sincerely thank you for your very kind words.

And Mods – yeshivish or not, if everyone here is busy simply agreeing with each other, there is no need for a coffee room. All the fun is in the exchange of ideas (within reason, of course) and friendly debate. Just my observation. 🙂