Reply To: College Professor Mocking Yiddishkeit/ Torah

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Thanks for all your thoughtful responses. No, the professor is a goy (apparently, Japanese).

It’s at Brooklyn College, which has many Jewish students B”H, and the course is required – but it’s not English. I am interested in philosophy, history, English, etc., not math or science, but unfortuantely, this kind of situation happens from time to time.

charliehall – So, when the Torah says that Hashem created the heavens and the earth in six days, it’s lying, right?

In response to those who said that I should ignore the professor’s remarks, it’s easy for you to say, but it’s actually quite difficult to do. (I had only one class with the professor so far, and we haven’t gotten to the toeiva thing yet, but when we do, it’s gonna be scary.)

Also, whenever a professor (who is supposed to be a person of authority) mocks something in our Torah, I feel my faith being undermined. Listening to this kind of schmutz has an adverse effect on a Yid’s neshama, you know?

As for whether the professor is mocking Yiddishkeit in particular or religion in general, Yiddishkeit is the TRUE religion, and Islam/ Christianity both deserve to be mocked (especially the former, but the latter as well for what it’s done to klal Yisrael).

Rose- Please share your stories, if you don’t mind. I would love to hear about specific situations of this nature.

As for putting my head down, it’s very disrepectful.

Any more advice/ comments?