Reply To: Chronic Condition

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You may want to start with checking if there’s a website for your specific chronic medical condition. Usually, the websites geared for particular issues can offer the best and most helpful support, and you will not feel alone. They also have information about support groups and coping techniques.

I have a child with special needs and I discovered this while trying to help him.

In terms of talking to family and friends, it depends who they are. Trustworthiness is earned not only through maintaining your privacy/ keeping a secret, but by taking the time to show the support that you seek in the way that you need. When I had my first miscarriage and called my best friend for support, she went on to talk about her own concern. I was devastated and grieving to begin with, but then I had to add angry and alone to that burden. You know your family and friends and their capacity to selflessly focus on another. Some people thrive on talking and sharing while others delve too deeply into their emotions and then have a hard time pulling out of them. No matter what, I think you need to seek support. You can begin with sharing here, and

we will try to be there for you as much as we can. You might want to try a therapist, who will listen

unconditionally and without their own agenda in mind. They will be able to help you express your concerns

and to find ways to cope while not allowing it to overcome you.

I think you need a combination of sharing, and not making that your entire life focus. In order to live life you’ve got to be able to see life beyond your condition. Find hobbies, distractions. Give yourself specified times to focus on your health concerns and practice blocking thoughts about it out of your mind outside of

these times. It can quickly envelop you if you allow it to.